My Art Space


Total Life.Art.Style

We have various art programs that allow you to learn, appreciate and enjoy art.

Meet Great

Meet like minded people and pursue passion of art together.


Relax amidst various flora and fauna at prestige Istana Park.


Showcase your art, appreciate and understand art.

Great Learning

We provide personalised guidance that develop your art style in long term.


We have minimum 16 timeslots every week that allows you to choose according to your schedule.


Fulfill social responsibilities through our community art projects.

About Art Exploration

Yes, it is suitable for any level from novice to amateur level artist. Nevertheless you must join our Painting Introductory Workshop before you attend the first lesson of Art Exploration. This allows us to understand your strength, and yet allows you to understand our teaching methodology. Thus prepare you in the continuous learning.
The program is suitable for any age from 14 years old and above.

Materials are not included in the package fee. We will provide a material reference list for your own purchase at art material shop.

Nevertheless, you can use shareable items like easel, oil wooden palette, oil brush washer or acrylic washer provided in our studio.

Except watercolour, you may use oil(@ istanapark only), acrylic, charcoal or pencil drawing. You will receive personalised guidance from our devoted art Instructors according to your progress. For watercolour study, you are expected to join our Watercolour Exploration Workshop.
Yes, feel free to let us know if you would like to do drawing.
We encourage you start with oil or acrylic first. Due to the opacity of the medium, you can easily correct any mistakes made. Thus allows you to gain solid foundation of drawing and colors mixing through actual experience of error rectification.
You may do so, please get advice from our instructors.
A3 size drawing block and pencil(HB, 2b, 4B, eraser, sharpener) or charcoal pencil(kneadable eraser)
At Istana Park 12 time slots, each 1 to 2 classes. At Sasco Khatib and Compassvale, 1 timeslot each. Except Wednesday, public holiday, New Year and Christmas’s eve.
3-14 learners per Instructor. Majority of the learners are experienced and requests light guidance only. Normally no more than 3 beginners in a class.
Art should not have standard answers. You stand opportunities to receive guidances from different instructors(depending on their availability which may vary every week). We strive to expose different knowledge to our learners which benefits them in long term.
Within our offer validity period. The package term period will start on the following day of the session date you select for Painting Introductory Workshop.
For Istana Park, time slot may be booked flexibly as per your plan as guidance is provided in each lesson based on progress of your painting. For details, please see Booking terms and conditions below.

About your Art Exploration Package

The package term starts from the following day after the Intro session date is attended.
Unless you are experienced learners with the approval of our art instructor, you are advised to attend Painting Introductory Workshop first before Art Exploration. It will allow you to learn better in our Art Exploration Workshops.
Yes, you may do so easily when you make booking online. You will be able to see name of art Instructor for each class. Normally, we will try arrange same instructor for same time slots on regular basis, except in the case of artist’s leave or emergency.
No need, you may attend class of any Instructors as you want. You are encouraged to do so to gain various opinions that benefit your development of creativity and personal style in long term. Nevertheless for those wish to get a more structural guidance, you may choose to stick to same art instructor from time to time according to your need.
As help option, we allow roll-over of maximum 2 lessons to next 8-lesson package you signed up if any.
We do give exception only for hospitalization and pregnancy reason. For other reasons, you may opt to upgrade to longer term packages.
Maximum one transfer is allowed. Lessons may be transferred with expiry date of package remained unchanged. Person taking over must sign up and attend the Painting Introductory Workshop prior the taking over.
Yes, before your current package term ends, top up difference of the prices and an administrative charge of $30 payable.

Choose one option that helps best based on your actual situation:-

  1. Conversion to longer term period package for additional weeks available (Ex. Flexi 8 to Flexi 8+4 weeks or Flexi 8+6 weeks). Top up charge of price difference payable. 
  2. Additional 1 or 2 month duration to existing package. $139 or $248 payable. (*best choice for those left many lessons and are free within coming 1 or 2 months)
  3. Renew package with max 2 lessons may rolled over from existing package

About Art Immersion

Art immersion is free & easy painting session without art instructor around for additional own painting time before your package expires.
Any weekday day time when there are no ongoing workshops or events. Booking is required.
According to number of art immersions offered to you and taken up, subjected to maximum 1 immersion booking per week within your package term period. Additional immersion session of 2.5 hour may be added at $20 each. Unused immersion sessions upon package term expiry will be forfeited.

About how to Sign Up

For package sign up

Just send us an email at Our staff will get back to you asap during our operation hours for sign up procedure and payment advise. We will advise on payment mode in the email.

For Beginner Painting Workshop sign up

For sign up of Beginner Painting Workshop only, simply make a reservation here.

How to book Art Exploration lessons

Booking of lessons is only needed for Flexible Schedule Package holders @ Istana Park. You will be given a user ID for booking online upon signing up the package and having attended of Painting Introductory Workshop. Booking can be done through website Booking Button (24-hour online booking system).

For Istana Park, booking can be done through website Booking Button (24 hours online booking system). Earliest 2 weeks, latest 1 hour before the lesson starts. Cancellation of lessons can be done 24 hours before lesson starts. Lesson will be forfeited for absence.

Exceptional cancellation request within 24 hours due to sick reason must be furnished with a medical certificate. There will be no lessons on public holidays.

About Active Learning Credit

In support of many of our new members who taking art as a lifelong learning, we set up Active Learning Credit with own fund as a form to subsidise their tuition fees when they renew their Art Exploration Workshop. Check with our sales staff on amount usable for each package renewal. This credit cannot be cash back and is not transferable to another members.

About Material Set

For oil set
-7 tubes of 60 ml assorted brand premium quality oil paints (Titanium White , Cadmium Yellow hue, Viridian, Carmine, Bright Red, Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna).
-one painting knife, 4 natural hair flat brushes of various size, one 100ml quick drying painting medium, 500ml biodegradable turpentine and one plastic storage toolbox.

For acrylic set
-8 tubes of 70 ml assorted brand premium quality acrylic paints (Titanium White , Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow hue, Phthalo Green Carmen, Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna).
-one A4 size disposable palette, one painting knife, 4 nylon flat brushes of various size and one plastic storage toolbox.

*In the circumstance of supply shortage, items may be replaced with other brand with similar value.
Loan of wooden palette for oil and brush washer available at studio.

About Our Refund Policy

Fees paid are not refundable.

About Membership

We tend to enrich your art learning journey with us. The 1-year membership entitles you to enjoy discount for other payable art events held by us.


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