My Art Space

50 EASELS Members Art Party for Charity

My Art Space

50 EASELS Members Art Party for Charity

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Bring your art and your heart to our members art exhibition and party.

Inviting all My Art Space members to participate in 50 Easels. One easel one artist. A unique opportunity for 50 members to mingle with fellow artists, celebrate art learning, share your work with family and friends.

Who can participate?

The event is open to all My Art Space members. The first 50 to confirm their participation will have an easel dedicated to them on the day of the event. Just bring and take back your best artworks on that day.

Is it open to family and friends?

Yes! Please invite anyone who you think would be interested in seeing your artwork.

Can I bring more than one artwork?

Due to limited space, please bring only one artwork to display on your easel.

How do I know if my work is good enough for display?

All our artists put their heart and soul into the artworks they create. We believe each piece you create at our studio is special. It’s a testament to your learning journey and the beauty you see in the world. Use this event as opportunity to celebrate art learning, share ideas and meet likeminded artists

Do I have to sell my artwork?

No. Anyway in the circumstance you would like to sell your artwork, please kindly donate minimum 70% of the proceds to a charity of your choice.

When is the big day?

DATE: 31 Dec 2023, 5pm-6:30pm (Sun)
WHERE: My Art Space, Istana Park

What should you bring?

Just bring your art, your heart and we’ll manage everything else!

Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity. Sign up now!

How to sign up

To sign up email




Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-12-31 @ 05:00 PM to
2023-12-31 @ 06:30 PM

Registration End Date


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